How do you check ping in Fortnite?

Test your current internet speed

Before you get started, test your current internet speed. Use your speed test result as a baseline and compare the results as you go through your journey on reaching a faster internet connection.

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Fortnite is a popular online multiplayer game that relies heavily on a stable internet connection for smooth gameplay. One of the key metrics to assess the quality of your connection is the “ping.” In this article, we will explore what ping is, why it is important in Fortnite, and how to check your ping in the game.

Fortnite, developed by Epic Games, has gained a massive following since its release. With millions of players competing against each other in the game’s fast-paced battles, having a good internet connection is crucial. Ping, measured in milliseconds (ms), represents the time it takes for data to travel from your device to the game server and back.

What is Ping in Fortnite?

Ping is a measurement of the latency or delay between your device and the game server. It determines how quickly your inputs are registered and how long it takes for the game to respond. A lower ping indicates a more responsive connection, resulting in smoother gameplay with reduced lag.

Why is Ping Important in Fortnite?

Low ping is essential in Fortnite because it directly affects your gaming experience. A high ping can cause delays in your actions, resulting in missed shots, delayed building, and a general feeling of sluggishness. To perform well in Fortnite, it’s crucial to have a low ping to ensure fast and accurate gameplay.

How to Check Ping in Fortnite on PC

Method 1: Using the In-Game Settings

  1. Launch Fortnite on your PC.
  2. Go to the main menu and click on the gear icon to open the settings.
  3. Navigate to the “Game” tab.
  4. Look for the “HUD” section and enable the “Net Debug Stats” option.
  5. Save the settings and return to the game.
  6. You will now see the ping displayed in the top-left corner of the screen.

Method 2: Using the Command Prompt

  1. Press the Windows key + R to open the Run dialog box.
  2. Type “cmd” and press Enter to open the Command Prompt.
  3. In the Command Prompt window, type “ping [Fortnite server IP or domain name]” without the quotes.
  4. Press Enter, and you will see a series of ping results, including the average ping.

How to Check Ping in Fortnite on Consoles

Method 1: Using the In-Game Settings

  1. Start Fortnite on your console.
  2. Navigate to the settings menu.
  3. Look for the “Game” or “Options” section.
  4. Enable the option to display ping or latency.
  5. Save the settings and return to the game.
  6. The ping should now be visible on your screen during gameplay.

Method 2: Using the Network Utilities

  1. Go to your console’s home screen.
  2. Open the network utilities or network settings.
  3. Look for an option to test the network connection.
  4. Start the network test, and it should display your ping along with other network information.

How to Interpret Ping Results in Fortnite

Once you have checked your ping, it’s essential to understand what the results mean. Here are some general guidelines:

  • 0-30 ms: Excellent ping. You’ll experience minimal to no lag.
  • 30-60 ms: Good ping. Gameplay should be smooth with little noticeable delay.
  • 60-100 ms: Average ping. You may experience occasional lag or delays.
  • 100 ms or above: High ping. You may encounter significant delays and increased lag.

Tips to Improve Ping in Fortnite

While you may not have complete control over your internet connection, there are several steps you can take to improve your ping in Fortnite. Here are some useful tips:

Tip 1: Connect to a Closer Server

Choosing a game server closer to your location can significantly reduce ping. Use the server selection option in Fortnite to connect to the nearest server available.

Tip 2: Use a Wired Connection

A wired Ethernet connection typically offers lower latency compared to Wi-Fi. If possible, connect your device directly to the router using an Ethernet cable for better ping performance.

Tip 3: Close Background Applications

Closing unnecessary applications running in the background can free up network resources, resulting in improved ping. Check your task manager or activity monitor and close any resource-intensive programs.

Tip 4: Optimize Network Settings

Ensure your router and network settings are optimized for gaming. Enable Quality of Service (QoS) if available, prioritize gaming traffic, and consider port forwarding for Fortnite.

Tip 5: Consider Using a VPN

In some cases, using a VPN can improve ping by optimizing your network route. Test different VPN providers to see if they offer better routing options for your connection.


Checking your ping in Fortnite is essential for optimizing your gaming experience. By understanding your ping and taking steps to improve it, you can reduce lag, enhance responsiveness, and have a smoother gameplay experience overall.


What is a good ping for Fortnite?

A good ping for Fortnite is typically below 30 milliseconds (ms). Lower ping results in a more responsive gaming experience.

How can I reduce Fortnite ping on PC?

To reduce Fortnite ping on PC, you can try connecting to a closer server, using a wired connection, closing background applications, optimizing network settings, and considering a VPN for better routing.

Can I check ping on Fortnite mobile?

Unfortunately, there is no built-in option to check ping in Fortnite mobile. However, you can use third-party apps or network monitoring tools to measure your ping on mobile devices.

Does ping affect gameplay in Fortnite?

Yes, ping affects gameplay in Fortnite. Higher ping results in delays and increased lag, affecting your ability to perform actions quickly and accurately.

Is high ping the only factor affecting lag in Fortnite?

No, high ping is one of the factors that contribute to lag in Fortnite, but it’s not the only factor. Other factors such as server load, your device’s performance, and network congestion can also impact your overall lag in the game.